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6 Super Ways to Fight Sugar Cravings
Resume control when a sugar craving strikes. Sugar cravings are notably universal, particularly among women.
Up to 97% of ladies and 68% of gentlemen report encountering some food craving, including yearnings for sugar.
Those encountering a sugar craving feel a powerful urge to eat something sweet and can find it challenging to manage themselves around food.

This can lead to indulgence eating or over-consuming calories, sometimes regularly. There is a lot you can do to rectify this.
Do Something Positive
Sugar yearnings go away in less than an hour. So concentrate on a positive exercise that pleases you and promotes joy, such as:
- Brushing your teeth after having meals suppresses your desire to eat sweets or even binging at night.
- Walking will boost dopamine and elevate your spirit and enthusiasm levels. Research shows a 15-minute walk also lowers sweet cravings.
- Tai Chi, Meditation, yoga, gardening, and swimming will ultimately reduce stress.
- Calling a friend, supporter, colleague, or someone who makes your heart smile to help unpack your feelings and emotions will help.
Any of these activities will prevent a sugar craving in its courses. The following tips will deter them from occurring in the first place.
Renew Your Sleep Regimen
Specialists say you should get between 7-9 hours of quality, therapeutic sleep at nighttime.
Fortunately, going keto improves your sleep for the better, so this should be spontaneous.
Sounder sleep is just as essential in the war on sugar cravings as the appropriate macros.
Determine or Customize Your Daily Macros
As a deficiency of fat or protein, while you’re eliminating carbs influences your sugar cravings, you need to determine your daily macros and adhere to them.
Fat will keep you fired up and enthusiastic about performing like sugar used to do. Meeting your protein goals will assist you to lose weight and check blood sugar dips by improving satiety and subduing your appetite.
You additionally can’t ignore fiber just because you’re giving carbs the cold shoulder. Fiber is your most trustworthy friend on keto as it:
- Decreases the net carbs in meals since it’s transferred rather than digested
- It helps you feel satiated.
- Sustains blood sugar levels, so cravings stay at bay
- Prevents constipation
Calculating out your ideal keto macros can be more challenging than giving up your preferred carbs.
That’s why a mechanism like the Perfect Keto Macro Calculator is a game-changer. Analyze it out and make sure you’re feeding your body right. And that includes water.
Watch Your Electrolytes and Drink Extra Water

As your body will retain less water in keto diet, you’ll need to stay a step ahead of dehydration.
A universal rule is to drink about 2ltr water each day.
You can exchange unsweetened tea for water when you’re bored. Just shun synthetic sweeteners.
Stay Away From Artificial Sweeteners
Artificial sweeteners may keep carbs low and give you a sweet fix. Research determines that artificial sweeteners like sucralose, aspartame, and others may:
- Raise your blood sugar levels thus promoting blood sugar imbalance.
- Increase yearnings for sugar and additional sugar addiction
- Lead to weight gain
- Generate digestive problems like gas, bloating, and diarrhea
- Ditch the sugar-free stuff and adhere to natural sources of sweetness like stevia and monk fruit. These changes will keep cravings away during your transition to ketosis.
Berries are an exceptionally, nutritious choice for preventing sugar yearnings.
They feel sweet, but their high fiber content indicates they are quite low in sugar.
This could make them an excellent alternative if you think your sugar cravings are linked to addiction other than hunger.
For example, you may crave for sweet foods while you’re watching TV.
Regularly eating berries may also assist overcome your risk of heart disease and diabetes.
Dark Chocolate
This is peculiarly true for women. Chocolate is one of the usually reported foods individuals eat when they want to eat sweets.
However, if you find yourself craving for chocolate, you can make a healthier selection by choosing dark chocolate. Dark chocolate is chocolate that includes more than 70% cocoa. It also contains healthful plant compounds known as polyphenols.
Eating Snack Bars
Not all the snack bars are healthy, some are extremely high in fat and sugar. However, if you need a sweet treat, there are amazingly good, healthier options out there.
Try scanning for a snack bar made with whole oats and flavoured with fresh or dried fruit, instead of table sugar.
Also, watch out for bars that include a lot of so-called “good” sugar, like agave syrup, honey, or coconut sugar.
These are still added sugars, and they aren’t right for you. Snack bars that have been prepared with whole foods can make a healthy sweet treat.
Chia Seeds
Chia seeds are a healthy source of many important nutrients, including omega-3 fatty acids, soluble dietary fiber, and healthy plant compounds.
It easily assimilates water and swells up to form a jelly-like substance in your gut, which may assist keep you feeling fuller for longer and check sugar cravings.
Sugar-Free Mints or Chewing Gum
Chewing gum can be an excellent way to regulate your sugar yearning.
Gum and mints that are made with artificial sweeteners taste sweet but comprise the least number of calories and no sugar.
Chewing sugar-free gum can equip you with a sweet taste that may assist curb your cravings and manage your food intake.
Yoghurt is a healthful snack that is high in protein and rich in calcium. Also, some researches have recommended that yoghurt could be an excellent snack to help control your appetite and regulate your sweet cravings.
They are the dried fruit of the date palm tree. They are extremely nutritious and delightful.
They are an outstanding source of fibre, potassium, iron, and useful plant compounds even after they have been dried.
Having a few dates alternatively of a soda or some candy can give you a sweet fix and also equip you with healthful nutrients.
Nevertheless, remember that dates are very sweet, so adhere to one serving at a time, or about three dates.
Fish, Meat, and Poultry

Incorporating a source of protein like meat, poultry or fish in your meals may help prevent sugar cravings.
Shifting out your high-sugar drinks for ones produced with artificial sweeteners can give you a sweet taste without all the added sugar.
Prunes are dried plums. Like dates, they’re loaded with fiber and nutrients and taste very sweet.
This suggests you can reach for them as a healthy choice to candy when you need to eat something sugary.
Their high fiber content and naturally available sorbitol also mean they may assist ease constipation.
Sorbitol is a naturally happening sugar alcohol that tastes sweet but is digested slowly in your gut.
They are another high-protein food that will assist keep your appetite and yearnings in line.
Research has shown that eating a high-protein breakfast like eggs may decrease hunger pangs and encourage individuals to eat less throughout the day.
Trail Mix
Trail mix is the name usually given to a snack comprising of nuts and dried fruit.
The precise combination of ingredients can alternate, but trail mix can offer an exceptional choice if you’re craving for something sweet to eat.
The palatableness of the dried fruit can help reduce your sugar cravings, and it’s also an exceptional way to get a few nuts into your food.
Nuts include healthful fats, proteins, fiber, and plant compounds.
Eating them has been connected to a number of health benefits, including improved risk factors for heart disease and diabetes.
Nevertheless, trail mix can be very high in calories, so adhere to a serving of about one handful.
Whole Grains
Whole grains are high in fiber and include nutrients, including B vitamins, magnesium, iron, phosphorus, manganese, and selenium.
Eating whole grains has been connected to a longer, healthier life, and their high fiber content also means they may assist you in feeling full.
Whole grains can also encourage the growth of beneficial bacteria like Bacteroidetes, Bifidobacteria, and Lactobacilli in your stomach.
Interestingly, their filling attributes cannot be explained by their fiber content only. It has been said that their influence on stomach bacteria may also add to this effect.
While consuming vegetables may not be gratifying when you are experiencing an acute sugar yearning, including them in your diet regularly could be significant.
Vegetables are great in fibre and low in calories. They also include lots of useful nutrients and plant compounds.
Combining more vegetables and herbs to your meals could help fill you up and prevent you from experiencing sugar cravings due to hunger.

In a Nutshell
Having the occasional sweet treat is fine for most individuals, so you shouldn’t feel condemned if you occasionally pamper yourself.
Nevertheless, if you find yourself encountering sugar cravings regularly or feel out of charge around sweet foods, then it’s meriting a closer look at your diet.
If you require something sweet, exchange some of your sugar-filled treats out for some of the more salubrious options in this list.
Additionally, you may attempt these 11 ways to prevent food and sugar cravings, which take analyze your diet and lifestyle as a whole.
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Quick Overview

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