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53 Best Things Your Dog Can Eat | Things Your Dog Cannot Eat | Human Foods Dogs Can and Cannot Eat
When it comes to what humans eat, and things your dog can eat and cannot eat, there are a lot of misconceptions.
People often think that because they can eat something, their dog can too. However, this is not always the case!
As a dog owner, it’s important to be aware of the human foods that are safe for your pup and which ones are off-limits. Basically things your dog can eat.
Just like humans, dogs have a specific diet that they should stick to in order to stay healthy and fit.

Humans and dogs metabolize food differently. As a result, some foods are safe to eat for humans but toxic and potentially deadly for dogs.
There are many human food items that dogs can eat, but there are also quite a few that they cannot.
We will additionally provide some tips on how to make sure your dog is getting the right nutrients in his or her diet.
In this comprehensive guide, we’ll outline everything you need to know about what dogs can and cannot eat. From fruits and vegetables to meat and dairy products, we’ll cover it all!
Dogs can eat a variety of human foods as occasional treats as well as being perfectly safe and even healthy. This article discusses 53 things your dog can eat and things your dog cannot eat.
So, whether you’re just starting out as a dog owner or you’ve been caring for your furry friend for years, be sure to read on for helpful tips and advice for things your dog can eat. Keep reading for more information!
List Of Human Food For Dogs | Human Foods Dogs Can and Cannot Eat

1. Carrots: Can Eat
Carrots can be fed to your dog raw or cooked.
Low in calories and high in vitamins, minerals, and fiber, carrots are a good source of nutrition. Dogs enjoy eating carrots because of their health benefits. this is surely one of the primary things your dog can eat.
To prevent choking, make sure to cut carrots into bite-sized pieces before feeding them to your dog.
2. Salt: Limit
You should limit the amount of salt your dog consumes.
Salt is essential for dogs’ cells to function, and a healthy amount of it is between 0.25g and 1.5g per 100g of food.
Salt is not harmful to dogs at these levels, as it maintains cellular functions such as fluid balance, acid-base balance, and nerve signal transmission.
According to vets, salt poisoning or water deprivation can cause vomiting, diarrhea, vomiting, and seizures in dogs who eat too much salt. It can be fatal in severe cases.
You should not give your dog salty foods such as chips or pretzels in order to prevent adverse effects. To prevent dehydration, always give your dog enough water to drink.
In fact, there should always be a bowl full of water accessible to your pooch so that he can drink water himself whenever he feels thirsty.
3. Raisins And Grapes: Can’t Eat
Raisins as well as Grapes should NEVER be fed to dogs. This is one of the things your dog cannot eat.
They contain toxic compounds that are harmful to dogs. According to vets, grapes and raisins can lead to kidney failure and death.
Grapes and raisins, even in small amounts, can make your dog sick, so it’s important to avoid feeding them to your dog.
4. Eggs: Can Eat
It is perfectly safe and nutritious for dogs to consume cooked eggs so it is one more things your dog can eat.
Almost every vitamin and mineral can be found in one medium egg, plus a lot of protein. Some people claim that eggs may help relieve nausea in dogs, but there is no scientific evidence to support this claim.
It is not a novel idea to feed raw eggs to your dog. Bacteria, such as Salmonella, can spread from dogs to their owners, increasing the risk of infection to them.
Although dogs typically do not get sick from eating raw eggs, their human owners are much more likely to become ill.
5. Peanut Butter: Can Eat
If dogs eat moderate amounts of peanut butter, it is safe and healthy for them.
Peanut butter should, however, be limited for your dog. According to vets, peanut butter is high in fat and calories, so if he eats too much, he could gain weight.
Feed your dog plain, unsalted peanut butter.
Peanut butter commonly contains extra ingredients, such as salt, which are harmful to your dog when given in excess.
Remember to check the label and ingredients list on the product before feeding it to your dog.
6. Salmon: Can Eat
Salmon cooked without bones is a safe, healthy food for your dog. If you are a vegetarian and are unable to do so you can always feed salmon Omega-3 capsules to your dog. 1 capsule per day for ≤ 30 kg dog and 2 capsules per day for ≥ 30 kg dog.
Salmon contains omega-3 fatty acids, which are known to reduce inflammation and may help your dog’s skin and fur stay healthy.
Raw salmon, however, should not be fed to dogs. Salmon poisoning can be fatal when caused by a parasite that resides in the fish.
7. Blueberries: Can Eat
Dogs can eat blueberries, which are safe and nutritious.
Blueberries are a great source of disease-fighting antioxidants and provide a lot of vitamins, minerals, and fiber, which can be good for your dog.
Furthermore, blueberries are low in calories and small in size, making them a healthy treat for your dog.
8. Chocolate: Can’t Eat
Chocolate is like poison for dogs. It is an established and true fact that dogs should NEVER eat chocolate. This is DEFINITELY not things your dog can eat.
Chocolate contains caffeine and theobromine, two stimulants that dogs are not capable of metabolizing.
Your dog may exhibit symptoms like vomiting, diarrhea, and dehydration if he eats chocolate.
Serious complications may develop, such as internal bleeding, muscle tremors, seizures, and even death.
Cocoa powder and unsweetened baker’s chocolate, which are darker and less sweet than milk chocolate, are poisonous to dogs.
However, you should never feed any type of chocolate to your dog.
9. Cheese: Limit
Most dogs are safe to eat small quantities of cheese.
Some dogs may experience digestive symptoms after eating cheese due to its fat and lactose content, such as stomach pain and diarrhea.
Cheese should be introduced gradually to your dog’s diet so as to avoid unpleasant pooping accidents in your house or on carpets.
In things your dog can eat, providing your dog with low-fat cheeses, such as mozzarella, may also be beneficial.
10. Macadamia Nuts: Can’t Eat
Macadamia nuts should NEVER be eaten by dogs.
Macadamia nuts contain an unknown toxin that can cause vomiting, muscle weakness, tremors, hyperthermia, and depression in dogs when eaten in small amounts.
In addition, macadamia nuts have a high-fat content, which may raise your dog’s triglyceride levels and cause pancreatitis.
11. Popcorn: Can Eat In Moderation
As long as popcorn doesn’t contain any extra ingredients, dogs can eat it occasionally as a treat.
Popcorn is often salted, which causes serious problems if your dog eats too much. Another common popcorn ingredient is butter, which is high in fat and can cause pancreatitis in dogs if consumed in excess.
Thus, it is best to give your dog only plain, air-popped popcorn.
Additionally, popcorn kernels can be a choking hazard and can get stuck in your dog’s teeth, so you should only offer your dog fully-popped kernels.
12. Cashews: Limit
Cashews should be limited in your dog’s diet.
In moderation, dogs can eat plain, unsalted, and roasted cashews. In excess, cashews may cause weight gain and pancreatitis due to their high fat and calorie content.
Therefore, you should limit your dog’s consumption of cashews to one or two per day at most.
13. Almonds: Limit
It’s best to limit your dog’s consumption of almonds.
Dogs can eat plain, unsalted almonds in small quantities, but they are difficult to digest and may result in vomiting and diarrhea.
The fat and calories in almonds can also cause weight gain and pancreatitis in dogs. It is best to feed your dog very small amounts of almonds. 1 almond a day would be okay.

14. Pineapple: Can Eat
A small amount of fresh pineapple is safe for dogs to eat.
Moreover, pineapple is a nutrient-dense snack for your dog because it is full of vitamins, minerals, and fiber.
When dogs consume too much pineapple, they may experience symptoms such as nausea and diarrhea. Hence, you should feed your dog a small amount of pineapple at a time.
15. Onions: Can’t Eat
Onions should NEVER be fed to your dog.
Onion contains a compound toxic to dogs called N-propyl disulfide. Your dog’s red blood cells may be damaged, making them less able to carry oxygen throughout the body. This results in anemia.
Symptoms of anemia in dogs include lethargy, weakness, decreased appetite, and fainting. Anemia in dogs may require blood transfusions in severe cases.
All parts and forms of onions are toxic to dogs, including the leaves, juice, and processed powders, such as onion powder.
16. Watermelon: Can Eat
So long as the rind and seeds aren’t present, watermelons are safe for dogs to eat.
Besides being a choking hazard, some people claim that watermelon rinds and seeds can cause digestive problems in dogs.
As a treat for dogs, watermelon fruit is a healthy treat due to its low-calorie content and nutritional value, such as vitamins A and C.
17. Cottage Cheese: Limit
Cottage cheese can be eaten by dogs in small amounts.
Some dogs may experience digestive issues after eating cottage cheese, such as nausea and diarrhea.
Limit your dog’s intake of cottage cheese to 1 or 2 small spoonfuls a day to prevent overeating.
18. Bread: Can Eat
As an occasional treat, dogs can eat plain white or whole-grain bread.
Make sure that your dog’s bread does not contain any extra ingredients, such as raisins, which could be harmful.
Furthermore, keep in mind that bread, along with other foods, adds extra calories to your dog’s diet and can cause him to gain weight if he eats too much.
19. Blackberries: Can Eat
Blackberries are safe to feed to your dog.
Blackberries are a healthy treat for dogs, whether they are fresh or frozen. Their low calories and high vitamin, mineral, and antioxidant content make them a healthy choice. Blackberries are also a good source of fiber.
Occasionally, you can give your dog a few blackberries as a treat if he enjoys them.

20. Corn: Can Eat
Corn can be eaten by dogs in moderate amounts.
Many dog foods contain corn as an ingredient because it is a good source of minerals and vitamins. For dogs, a tablespoon or two of corn per day is an adequate serving size.
Dogs can eat plain, cooked corn kernels, but you should never feed them corn on the cob. If consumed, the cob is a choking hazard and could cause intestinal obstruction.
21. Tomatoes: Limit
As long as the tomatoes are ripe, you can feed your dog tomatoes as an occasional treat.
Tomatine, a toxic glycoalkaloid, is present in small amounts in green tomatoes. Despite not being toxic to humans, anecdotal evidence suggests that green tomatoes may cause harm to dogs.
When dogs consume too much tomatine from tomatoes, they may experience nausea, a rapid heart rate, muscular weakness, and difficulty breathing.
22. Avocado: Can’t Eat
Dogs should NEVER consume avocados.
Persin, a toxin found in them, is extremely poisonous to dogs. In severe cases, fluid may accumulate in their lungs and chest, causing breathing difficulties, oxygen deprivation, and even death.
Avocados contain persin in all parts, including the fruit, pit, leaves, and bark. Keeping avocados away from your dog is a good idea.
23. Oatmeal: Can Eat
Oatmeal is a safe food for your dog to eat.
Oatmeal contains a lot of fiber, as well as a few vitamins and minerals.
As with any other food, you should give your dog oatmeal as a treat in moderation if you want him not to gain weight.
Additionally, flavored oatmeal should not be given to your dog. Adding extra ingredients to flavored oatmeal could harm your dog.
24. Green Peas: Can Eat
The consumption of green peas by dogs is generally safe.
Many dog foods include green peas as an ingredient. Green peas are not only yummy, but also low in calories and high in nutrients, which makes them a healthy treat for your dog.
Do not feed your dog canned peas, only fresh or frozen ones. Salt is often added to canned peas, which can be harmful to dogs in large amounts.

25. Coffee and Tea: Can’t Eat
The caffeine content in coffee and tea makes them dangerous for dogs to consume.
Caffeine stimulates your dog’s nervous system, leading to hyperactivity, vomiting, diarrhea, elevated heart rate, seizures, and tremors.
Caffeine consumption can result in lung failure and abnormal heart rhythms, which can ultimately cause death.
Coffee and tea, even small amounts of caffeine, can cause adverse effects in dogs, so you should always keep them away from them.
26. Apples: Can Eat
Dogs can eat sliced apples safely and without ill effects.
A substantial amount of vitamins, minerals, and antioxidants can be found in apples. In addition, they are high in fiber, which may be beneficial to your dog’s digestive system.
Apple seeds, however, should never be fed to dogs because they contain cyanide, a poisonous chemical when consumed in large amounts.
Remove the seeds from the apple before feeding it. Remove the seeds from the apple before feeding it to your pooch.
27. Broccoli: Can Eat
Raw or cooked broccoli can be eaten by dogs in moderation.
This low-calorie vegetable is packed with many nutrients, making it a healthy snack for your dog.
If your dog eats too much broccoli, he may experience digestive problems. Broccoli contains isothiocyanates, which may irritate your dog’s digestive system.
For this reason, your dog should only be fed broccoli occasionally.
28. Garlic: Can’t Eat
Garlic should NEVER be fed to your dog.
Garlic contains toxic chemicals called thiosulfates. The red blood cells of your dog may be damaged by thiosulfates, causing anemia. Consuming garlic may also cause symptoms such as vomiting and diarrhea.
Dogs that consume large amounts of garlic may require a blood transfusion in severe cases. As a result, you should not feed garlic to your dog, even in small amounts.

29. Chicken and Chicken Liver: Can Eat
Most dogs can eat cooked chicken, as it is healthy food.
It is one of the most common ingredients in dog foods because chicken is an incredibly rich source of protein, which your dog requires to stay healthy.
Chicken can be fed to your dog alone or in conjunction with his regular food. Before giving your dog chicken, you should always remove the bone from the meat.
since chicken bone splinters into small pieces, it is possible for chicken bones to puncture the digestive tract and pose a choking hazard.
Additionally, you should avoid feeding your dog raw chicken to prevent salmonella infection. You can feed boiled chicken liver to your dogs and save the broth for later too.
Also, chicken liver is excellent for feeding medicine to your dogs as the tablets can be stuffed in it and its strong smell camouflages the smell of the meds.
It is also very healthy for dogs suffering from any illness as it is easily digestible, tasty, and gives the dog enough energy to bounce back from tick fever or any liver ailment.
30. Sweet Potatoes: Can Eat
Dogs can consume sweet potatoes in moderate amounts safely and without harm.
Dogs digest sweet potatoes easily and it contain vitamins A, which is important for the health of their eyes and immune system.
Sweet potatoes can be added to your dog’s food as a treat or included in his regular diet.
You should be aware that too much vitamin A can cause bone problems and muscle weakness in dogs. Do not give your dog too many sweet potatoes.
31. Xylitol: Can’t Eat
Xylitol should NEVER be given to dogs.
These sugar substitutes are commonly used in candy, chewing gum, baked goods, and toothpaste. A dog that consumes xylitol may suffer from a rapid drop in blood sugar levels and symptoms such as muscle weakness and seizures.
Xylitol can cause serious complications in dogs, such as liver damage and death.
32. Alcohol: Can’t Consume
Alcohol should NEVER be consumed by dogs.
Even small amounts can cause dogs to become ill with ethanol poisoning. Symptoms include fatigue, lack of coordination, seizures, vomiting, and diarrhea.
Overconsumption of alcohol can result in more serious symptoms, like heart attacks, lung failure, comas, and even death.
Keep your dog away from products that contain alcohol, such as alcoholic beverages, perfumes, mouthwash, and cleaning products.
33. Coconut: Can Eat
Dogs can eat coconut without harm.
Anecdotally, dogs have been reported to benefit from eating coconut meat or coconut oil occasionally as treats.
Coconut oil contains a lot of fat and calories and, thus, should be consumed in moderation by dogs to avoid gaining weight.
Depending on the size of your dog an appropriate serving size for your dog is between one-fourth teaspoon and one tablespoon per day.

34. Pork: Can Eat
Dogs can eat cooked pork without added spices, seasonings, or sauces.
Nonetheless, you should never feed your dog raw or undercooked pork to prevent bacterial infections, which can make your dog sick.
In addition, dogs should not be given processed forms of pork, such as ham or bacon. Dogs can have difficulty digesting them because they’re often extremely salty.
Tapeworms are commonly found in pork. If your dog gets infected by it then it may damage its brain, and lead to seizures or epileptic attacks.
35. Cinnamon: Limit
Despite being non-toxic to dogs, cinnamon still needs to be limited in your dog’s diet.
Cinnamon may irritate the mouths and digestive systems of dogs if consumed in large quantities. Additionally, the cinnamon powder may cause your dog to cough, choke and have difficulty breathing if he inhales it.
Cinnamon is an ingredient in many foods, including baked goods, but if your dog consumes too much, it can have adverse effects.
36. Honey: Limit
Only feed your dog a limited amount of honey.
If your dog eats too much honey, it will accumulate calories and contribute to weight gain.
You can give your dog a small amount of honey as a treat every now and then. It can be used to mask the powdered medicines if your dog needs to eat them.
37. Mango: Can Eat
Yes, dogs can eat mangoes occasionally as a treat.
Dogs can benefit greatly from mangoes in small amounts, as they provide several vitamins and minerals, as well as fiber.
There are four different vitamins in this sweet summer treat: A, B6, C, and E. They also contain potassium and beta-carotene.
The hard pit contains small amounts of cyanide, which can pose a choking hazard. Remove the hard pit first.
Make sure to peel mangoes before giving them to your dog, as the skin can be hard for him to digest. You should also remove the pit to prevent choking.
Eating mango in excess may lead to diarrhea and unpleasant poop accidents in the house.
38. Nutmeg and Mace: Can’t Eat
Nutmeg and Mace are not safe foods for dogs to eat.
They contain myristicin, which is toxic to dogs in large amounts. In addition to disorientation, high blood pressure, dry mouth, stomach pain, and seizures may also cause disorientation.
Keeping nutmeg and mace out of your dog’s reach and preventing him from eating baked goods containing nutmeg is important.
39. Milk: Limit
Overfeeding your dog with milk is not recommended.
Dogs can suffer from lactose intolerance, which can cause loose stools, gas, vomiting, stomach pain, and diarrhea.
Milk can be tolerated by some dogs as a treat every now and then, but not more than a few tablespoons per day.
If your dog suffers from constipation then giving milk is an ideal therapy instead of medicines.
40. Turkey: Can Eat
Turkey can be eaten by most dogs without causing any problems.
To avoid exposing your dog to potentially harmful ingredients, such as onions and garlic, avoid giving your dog seasoned or stuffed turkey.
In addition, your dog should only eat skinless and boneless turkey.
41. Rice: Can Eat
Rice can be served plain or cooked to dogs.
Dogs can easily digest rice, which may ease upset stomachs.
Serve rice with some chicken or turkey in your dog’s diet if you want to provide him with more protein.
42. Beef: Can Eat
It is safe for dogs to eat lean beef.
There are a number of dog foods that contain beef as an ingredient. You can give your dog this nutritious treat as it’s rich in protein, vitamins, and minerals.
Your dog should be fed plain beef with no seasonings or sauces. Ingredients that are often found in these products can be harmful to dogs, such as salt.

43. Lemons and Limes: Can’t Eat
Dogs can be poisoned by lemons and limes.
The skins of lemons and limes contain psoralen, which can cause gastrointestinal symptoms in dogs, such as vomiting and diarrhea.
When dogs consume excessive amounts of psoralen, they can develop more severe symptoms, including muscle tremors, difficulty walking, liver failure, and death.
44. Bananas: Can Eat
Bananas can be eaten by dogs in moderation.
The banana contains many vitamins and minerals, as well as fiber. There is also a claim that bananas help dogs feel better by relieving nausea, but there is no scientific evidence for this claim.
A slice or two of banana can be fed to your dog as a treat or mixed with his regular food.
45. Strawberries: Can Eat
As long as strawberries are consumed in moderation, your dog is safe to eat them.
Despite being low in calories, strawberries are packed with nutrients, antioxidants, and fiber, making them a healthy treat for dogs.
To prevent choking, be sure to cut strawberries into small pieces before feeding them to your dog.
46. Oranges: Can Eat
Oranges can be consumed in small quantities by dogs.
Due to their high nutrient content and low-calorie content, oranges are a great treat for dogs.
Oranges, however, have been reported to upset the stomach of some dogs, and therefore, they should be eaten in moderation.
47. Raw Yeast Dough: Can’t Eat
Raw yeast dough is extremely dangerous for dogs.
A dog’s consumption of raw yeast dough can lead to alcohol poisoning and death since yeast cells produce alcohol as they ferment.
The dough may expand in their stomachs and cause severe bloating for dogs that eat raw yeast dough. As a result, they may have trouble breathing or become weak.
48. Peanuts: Limit
Small amounts of plain, unsalted peanuts are safe for dogs to eat.
As with other nuts, peanuts are high in fat and can contribute to weight gain and pancreatitis in dogs if they eat too many.
Peanuts may also contain added ingredients like salt that can be harmful to dogs. You should only feed your dog a few plain peanuts at a time if you feed him peanuts.
49. Mushrooms: Can Eat
It is safe for dogs to eat store-bought mushrooms, like portobello mushrooms.
Nevertheless, you should only give your dog plain mushrooms without any additional ingredients, such as garlic and onions, that could cause adverse reactions in your dog.
In addition, you should be aware that some wild mushrooms can be toxic to dogs and may result in mushroom poisoning.
50. Cherries: Limit
In moderate amounts, dogs can eat fresh, pitted cherries.
Dogs should not be allowed to eat cherry pits, however. Cherry pits possess cyanide, which is poisonous to dogs when eaten in large quantities.
Cherry pits can also choke dogs when eaten in large or small quantities.
The consumption of too many cherries can also cause dogs to experience diarrhea and upset stomachs. You should limit the number of cherries you feed your dog at one time.
51. Potatoes: Can Eat
Dogs can eat cooked potatoes safely without falling ill.
Raw potatoes, however, should never be given to your dog. In raw potatoes is a compound called solanine that is toxic to dogs. When potatoes are cooked, the solanine content decreases.
If dogs eat potatoes in large quantities, their high carbohydrate content may cause them to gain weight.
52. Celery: Can Eat
It is safe for dogs to eat celery in small amounts.
Additionally, celery is a health-conscious treat for dogs. A rich source of vitamins and minerals, celery is low in calories.
If you are feeding your dog celery, cut it into bite-size pieces to prevent choking and to make it easier for him to digest.
53. Shrimp: Can Eat
Your dog can eat plain, cooked shrimp.
A healthy treat for dogs, shrimp is a good source of protein and provides a significant amount of vitamins and minerals.
Raw shrimp, on the other hand, could contain harmful bacteria that could make your dog sick. Make sure the shell of the shrimp is removed if you want your dog not to choke on it.
Conclusion: What’s at Stake

There are defined things your dog can eat. Dogs can consume certain foods that are healthy and safe, while others are potentially harmful.
The introduction of new foods into your dog’s diet should be done gradually so you can monitor him for adverse reactions such as allergies.
A rule of thumb is to give your dog such food that is deemed “safe” for dogs in moderation, regardless of whether it is considered safe. By doing so you can prevent weight gain and unhealthy behaviors.
Each dog is unique. While one dog may tolerate a food just fine, another might have adverse reactions.
However, giving your dog a treat every so often can be enjoyable. Ensure that he only eats dog-friendly and non-toxic foods.
Consult your veterinarian if you have questions about the things your dog can eat, and the serving size of foods you should feed your dog. Keep in mind that your veterinarian is your best ally when it comes to your dog’s health.
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User Review
( votes)( reviews)
This is a very exhaustive and detailed list of things that can be eaten by dogs and also of what should not be eaten. It is a virtual ready reckoned that would be extremely useful to dog parents, for planning their dogs’ diet.
Thank you. I have so many old dogs and have to prepare their food as per what they would love to eat as well as it should be tasty and good for their health.
I do not have dog as a pet but being a pet parent of fishes I can understand that it is important for us to feed them carefully as they cannot tell by words. This list of can eat and can’t eat foods for dogs is a must to read for all dog lover.
Oh, I love this. You have fish… I have 4 fish too. All ate goldfish since they are the sturdy ones.
How I wish Ranjeeta had read this when i had a dog, he would have loved all these, After all our furry babies love to enjoy the special food along with the regular food they get.
Thank you so much Akta. ya our furry babies are the light of our life…
This blogpost is like the final list pet parents would like to have as their guide. You have also mentioned the reasoning behind the each one, that makes the post more relatable.
Thank you. I have been with dogs for good 40 years of my life and have learnt a lot from following my vet’s advise.