Masor Tenga (Assamese Fish Curry) Fish & Lau Recipe

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Masor Tenga (Assamese Fish Curry) Fish & Lau Tenga Recipe

Masor Tenga is one of the traditional main dishes of Assamese cuisine and is an integral part of a legendary Assamese Thali.

This recipe is thin and tangy and is also recognised as Tangy Fish Curry, Masor Tenga Recipe, Assamese Fish Curry, or Fish & Lau Tenga curry.

Most suitable for the summers, it combines the sourness of kokum and tomatoes, and the astounding flavour of the fried dish, to present a dish which is relished by many.

It is generally eaten after a substantial meal, for it is thought that the sourness of this curry aids in digesting the food quickly and properly.

Masor Tenga (Assamese Fish Curry) Fish & Lau Recipe
Masor Tenga (Assamese Fish Curry) Fish & Lau Recipe

This dish, like many Assamese dishes, is effortless to cook and demands very less quantity of time to cook.

Serve this curry on a summer lunchtime along with steamed rice, and you will feel invigorated and energised.

A simple, home-style, Assamese fish curry is a constant feature during lunch and dinner during summers.

It is best savoured with steamed rice and fresh green chillis. ‘Tenga’ indicating sour is the dominant characteristic in the curry.

Fish & Lau Tenga (Assamese preparation) is a genuine delicacy of Assam and Bengal in India.

This arrangement of fish has a slightly tangy gravy with a mixture of vegetables thrown in; hence it is rich in proteins and fibre both.

Universe has blessed Assam with abundant vegetation. Other than varied fruits and fresh greens, the Brahmaputra river rushes through the region, which is also the most notable source of water and fish.

Masor Tenga (Assamese Fish Curry) Fish & Lau Recipe
Masor Tenga (Assamese Fish Curry) Fish & Lau Recipe

There is a wide variety of souring agents that can be utilised to prepare this dish, extending from the commonly available lemon, tomatoes, sour spinach to further exotic Elephant apple, Roselle leaves and Garcinia.

I come from Assam, which is a prominent state in the north-eastern part of India. Like every Indian state, Assamese menu is also comprehensive and very unique.

We mostly rely on local produce, and since we have a lot of rivers and ponds, we eat a lot of freshwater fish in our menu.

If you visit an Assamese family for a meal, there will be some fish for sure. We love our fish! And we cook it with all kinds of vegetables and greens. Our spices are moderate, yet packed with flavour.

This fish curry is cooked with bottle gourd, known as ‘lau’ in Assam. We have a lot of other types of gourd back home, from the ridge gourd, white gourd, pointed gourd, squash and so much more!

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    I prefer my fish with any kind of moist green, and bottle gourd is easily available in cities as well.

    This curry is so comforting, something I have consumed innumerable times in my life, but never becomes old.

    Its flavour and taste always take me back home, and I cannot help but feel comforted by it.

    Masor Tenga has several Health Benefits. It is recognised to carry omega 3 fatty acids, which can assist give a shiny look to your skin and can improve the level of cholesterol present in your body.

    Here is the recipe!

    Masor Tenga (Assamese Fish Curry) Fish & Lau Recipe

    Masor Tenga (Assamese Fish Curry) Fish & Lau Recipe
    Masor Tenga (Assamese Fish Curry) Fish & Lau Recipe

    The fish Tenga is one of the noblest, less complicated, power-packed-with-flavours kind of dish.

    The ingredients used and the procedure of cooking also add to the freshness of this particular dish.

    I mostly use ‘Rohu’ or ‘magur’ fish for this preparation. Both are fresh river water fishes and easy to digest. ‘Magur’ is especially good for toddlers.

    One may use tomatoes, cocum or fresh lemon juice as a souring agent. Anything that will render the fish curry sour is combined as per the availability of the variety of vegetable/fruit.

    Prep Time: 30 mins
    Cook Time: 30 mins
    Total Cook Time: 1 hr

    Cuisine: Indian/Assamese
    Recipe Servings: 2 people
    Author: Ranjeeta Nath Ghai


    • fish ( rohu/ katla/magur)- fried to light brown-half kg रोहू/कटला/मागुर
    • 1 tsp panchporan पांच फोरन
    • 2 tsp mustard oil सरसों का तेल
    • 2 tejpatta तेजपत्ता
    • 2-3 tomato (cut into small pieces) टमाटर
    • one lauki / bottle gourd (cut into small pieces) लौकी
    • 1-2 potato (cut into small pieces) आलू
    • juice of 2 lemons निम्बू का रस
    • 1 inch ginger अदरक
    • 2-3 green chilly हरी मिर्च


    • 1 tsp panchporan पांच फोरन [Learn how to make panchporan]
    • 2 tsp mustard oil सरसों का तेल [BUY ONLINE]
    • 2 tejpatta तेजपत्ता [BUY ONLINE]
    • 2-3 green chilly हरी मिर्च
    • curry Leaves (optional) करी पत्ता


    1. Semi fry the fish & keep aside
    2. Put lauki (bottle gourd) and potato in a cooker.
    3. Add salt and haldi (turmeric) and give 2 whistles. Keep aside.
    4. Give tadka/tempering of panchpuran, green chili and tejpatta in the same oil.
    5. Add tomato & ginger and stir until reduced to pulp.
    6. Add water, boiled lauki (bottle gourd) and aaloo (potato) and prepare the curry.
    7. When it comes to boil add fish slowly. Stir slooooowly or you’ll break the fish.
    8. Add coriander and tsp of mustard oil as garnish and serve with rice.

    Recipe Tips

    1. For basic tips on how to fry a fish read Fish in Mustard Gravy: Assamese Preparation.
    2. You can add coconut milk to vary the taste the next time you prepare the same recipe.
    3. You must have seen by now that I add curry leaves to most of my food preparations. That is because it is anti-cancerous.
    4. Curry leaves fight cancer cells and prevent cancer cells from building in our body.
    5. You can also have it raw if you wish after washing or make a chutney out of it.
    6. To save time you can boil lauki (bottle gourd) & aaloo (potato) separately while you are frying the fish.

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    Quick Overview
    Masor Tenga (Assamese Fish Curry) Fish & Lau Recipe

    Recipe Name: Masor Tenga (Assamese Fish Curry) Fish & Lau Recipe

    Author: Ranjeeta Nath Ghai

    Description: If you visit an Assamese family for a meal, there will be some fish for sure. We love our fish! And we cook it with all kinds of vegetables and greens. Our spices are moderate, yet packed with flavour. This fish curry is cooked with bottle gourd, known as ‘lau’ in Assam.

    Preperation time: 30M

    Cook Time: 30M

    Total Time: 1H

    Type: Main Course

    Recipe Yield: 2 servings

    Recipe Ingredients: fish ( rohu/ katla/magur)- fried to light brown-half kg, 1 tsp panchporan, 2 tsp mustard oil, 2 tejpatta, 2-3 tomato (cut into small pieces), one lauki / bottle gourd (cut into small pieces), 1-2 potato (cut into small pieces), 1inch ginger, 2-3 green chilly, Tempering, 1 tsp panchporan, 2 tsp mustard oil, 2 tejpatta, 2-3 green chilly, curry Leaves (optional)

    Recipe Instructions: Semi fry the fish & keep asidePut lauki (bottle gourd) and potato in a cooker.Add salt and haldi (turmeric) and give 2 whistles. Keep aside.Give tadka/tempering of panchpuran, green chili and tejpatta in the same oil. Add tomato & ginger and stir until reduced to pulp.Add water, boiled lauki (bottle gourd) and aaloo (potato) and prepare the curry.When it comes to boil add fish slowly. Stir slooooowly or you’ll break the fish.Add coriander and tsp of mustard oil as garnish and serve with rice.

    Recipe Cuisine: Indian/Assamese

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    • Ease of Cooking
    • Nutritional Values
    • Health Benefits
    • Keto Friendly
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