How To Cook Perfect Poached Eggs

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How To Cook Perfect Poached Eggs

Do you often wonder as to How To Cook Perfect Poached Eggs, with amazing results on every occasion… well, I have it for you right here.

My favourite breakfast is one poached egg, served in a bowl (they’re easier to consume with a spoon).

“Serve on buttered toast for an everyday/Sunday breakfast or make Eggs Benedict or Eggs Florentine for a special event!

The eggs need to be cold & as fresh as possible.” Cooking Perfect Poached Eggs couldn’t be simpler.

It’s additionally an excellent low-calorie way to put together eggs—you don’t need to use added fats to cook them, as you will with scrambled eggs or fried eggs.

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How To Cook Perfect Poached Eggs

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    Even though a few choose to drop a tsp of oil in a pan after which break the egg on it and poach, I prefer the other way.

    An excellent and less complicated approach to cooking poached eggs. Crack your egg right into a bowl or onto a saucer. Bring a pan of water filled at least 5cm deep to a simmer.

    Tip the egg into the pan. Cook for 2 mins then turn off the heat and leave the pan for 8-10 mins. Lift the egg out with a slotted spoon and drain it on kitchen paper.

    Not only do eggs prepared this manner makes a terrific breakfast all on their own (with a bit salt and pepper and maybe a few toasts), but they are low on fats.

    You may also use them to top a French salad Lyonnaise, bathe them in Luxurious Hollandaise Sauce in an Eggs Benedict, or go the incredibly wholesome and healthy way and serve them over sautéed veggies.

    How To Cook Perfect Poached Eggs
    How To Cook Perfect Poached Eggs

    How To Cook Perfect Poached Eggs

    How To Cook Perfect Poached Eggs couldn’t be simpler. It’s additionally an excellent low-calorie way to put together eggs—you don’t need to use added fats to cook them, as you will with scrambled or fried eggs.

    How To Cook Perfect Poached Eggs

    Prep Time 1 minute
    Cook Time 4 minutes
    Total Time 5 minutes

    Course Breakfast
    Cuisine American, Asian, French
    Servings 4 people
    Calories 78 kcal

    Author Ranjeeta Nath Ghai


    • Eggs-04 nos.
    • Water as needed
    • Distilled white vinegar as needed

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    How To Cook Perfect Poached Eggs

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      1. In a large, shallow pot, bring a mixture of water and vinegar (using a ratio of 1 quart (1 litre) of water to 1 tablespoon of vinegar) to 200° F (95° C).
      2. Break the eggs into cups one at a time, being careful not to break the yolks.
      3. Slide the eggs into the simmering water and simmer them until they are done, 3 to 4 minutes (Poached eggs should feel soft when touched; if they feel hard, they are overcooked).
      4. Remove the eggs carefully with a skimmer and drop into ice water to stop the cooking process.
      5. Remove the eggs from the cold water and trim any excess white to make them even.
      6. For service, reheat the poached eggs in slightly salted, 120, to 140° F (50 to 60° C) water, Remove the eggs with a skimmer, dry, and serve.

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      How To Cook Perfect Poached Eggs

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        Recipe Notes

        Fresh eggs work best for poaching. Their whites hold together better than older eggs.

        Add a little vinegar in the poaching water—the vinegar helps the proteins in the egg whites coagulate. But the vinegar does affect the taste.

        You can skip adding vinegar if you want.

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        Quick Overview
        How To Cook Perfect Poached Eggs

        Recipe Name: How To Cook Perfect Poached Eggs

        Author: Ranjeeta Nath Ghai

        Description: Cooking Perfect Poached Eggs couldn’t be simpler. It’s additionally an excellent low-calorie way to put together eggs—you don’t need to use added fats to cook them, as you will with scrambled or fried eggs. Even though a few choose to drop a tsp of oil in a pan after which break the egg on it and poach, I prefer the other way.

        Preperation time: 1M

        Cook Time: 4M

        Total Time: 5M

        Type: Breakfast

        Recipe Yield: 4 servings

        Recipe Ingredients: Eggs 04 nos., Water as needed, Distilled white vinegar as needed

        Recipe Instructions: In a large, shallow pot, bring a mixture of water and vinegar (using a ratio of 1 quart (1 litre) of water to 1 tablespoon of vinegar) to 200° F (95° C). Break the eggs into cups one at a time, being careful not to break the yolks. Slide the eggs into the simmering water and simmer them until they are done, 3 to 4 minutes (Poached eggs should feel soft when touched; if they feel hard, they are overcooked). Remove the eggs carefully with a skimmer and drop into ice water to stop the cooking process. Remove the eggs from the cold water and trim any excess white to make them even. For service, reheat the poached eggs in slightly salted, 120, to 140° F (50 to 60° C) water, Remove the eggs with a skimmer, dry, and serve.

        Calories: 78 per egg

        Video thumbnail URL:

        • Ease of Cooking
        • Nutritional Values
        • Health Benefits


        Cooking Perfect Poached Eggs couldn’t be simpler. It’s additionally an excellent low-calorie way to put together eggs—you don’t need to use added fats to cook them, as you will with scrambled eggs or fried eggs. Even though a few choose to drop a tsp of oil in a pan after which break the egg on it and poach, I prefer the other way.


        Add a little vinegar in the poaching water—the vinegar helps the proteins in the egg whites coagulate.


        Since egg yolks are high in cholesterol they should be taken in moderation by the heart patients.

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